Mary Immaculate, Mother of the Church,
We who are gathered here remember with gratitude your care for the work of the Oasis of the Living Church.

We profess that thanks to your maternal love, the first Oasis of Mary Immaculate,
which was entrusted to your special care,
developed in an amazing way into the Oasis Movement and then into the Light-Life Movement.

We profess that your attitude of limitless, spousal self-gift to Christ in love
is the source of your maternal fertility in the people of God.
Since you are the Immaculate Bride of the Word, particularly in union with him at the hour of utmost love on the Cross, you are the Mother of all the living and the Mother of the Church.

We also profess that being united with you in the attitude of spousal devotion to Christ
is and will always remain the only true and most profound principle of vitality and fertility of the Holy Mother Church.
The Church will be the Holy Mother Church together with you only if, in her particular members,
she becomes with you the Bride devoted to the Lord in faith and love.

We believe that the whole work of the Oasis is based on the understanding of this mystery,
and it has no other aim than to raise up its participants to a constantly deepening understanding and implementation of the attitude of truly possessing themselves in making a true gift of themselves to Christ and to their sisters and brothers.

We believe that such an attitude is the source of new life, and this is why it is just to entrust this work to you, more deeply and consciously, and ask imploringly for your acceptance and that you would make it your own.

We truly believe that we shall become “the Oasis of the Living Church” only if we are united with you in implementing the attitude of service and dedication to Christ in his Church.

Receive thus, we ask, as your property, all who have given their lives and all their powers
to the diakonia of the Light-Life Movement.

Receive them all, particularly the moderators and animators who, within this Movement,
want to serve the great cause of building living communities of the Church.

Receive all those who, at the end of their Oasis retreats,
have entrusted their resolutions to your hands and give them the grace to persevere.

Receive also, as your property, this place where everything is to serve the work of the Oasis of the Living Church and make it serve this cause only without any obstacles. [this part is recited only in the Light-Life Center in Krościenko]

Mary Immaculate, Mother of the Church,
be also the Mother of the work of the Oasis and the Light-Life Movement.
